Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.



Just when you think there can't be more silliness than too many so-called audiophiles already believe...

...anyone who thinks they can own real estate in my head ought to more involved into investing in lake bottom property.....although ocean front in FL might be a more sure bet in the short run...😏

@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)

(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)

"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."

...or something like that...🤷‍♂️*G*

Guess I need to check the telegraph wires coming into my cave.....I had to go on Amazon just to see what the hell a Himalayan salt lamp was 🤔

Well said...😊

But my "anglish" is too bad to debate those who insult instead of thinking instead  of  something nice and funny to say ...

Then you can relax my friend ...


@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)

(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)

"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."

...or something like that...🤷‍♂️*G*


@mahgister  You mention the use of an ionizer in your room.  I hope you have purchased one that specifically does not produce any Ozone.  There are many warnings about the potential health hazards of breathing ozone.  Ionizers are not regulated in the US and many of them should not be on the market for home use.  Well worth looking into it.  IMHO.  Season's greeting.