Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.



Showing 6 responses by asvjerry

...did a bit of quick nosing 'round, and ionizing one's air does have it's good effects in increasing oxygen intake on red blood cells (+), but excess creates ozone (-) which drove folks from plasma drivers in audio....

Salt blocks potentially a safer means of ion levels, but if you start coughing....?

Love listening, but 'music to die for'?  

Himalayan salt is on the kitchen counter and gets regular use 'round here, but spouse would reconsider my balance of 'Sane? Yay v. Nay' if a case appeared instead of a pasta device.....and bbq this time of year?  We'll go out... ;)

....and I've tweaks enough, a nice space to replace the present one would be a far better opt-out....but still unlikely for the present....

Not saying it doesn't work....but not in a position/condition to give it a proper go.

Enjoy the Holidays....

F1 engines?  Fixed point.  'Tweaks'?  Oh, yeah....when a .01, .001 of a second makes for win v. go home....

Wings 'n things, tire warmers, eighth of a turn on the shocks....

...and the sensors RT'ing it to the pit 'puter crew....

....and the nut behind the wheel is the 'variable factor' you can't wrench or screwdriver.....

...anyone who thinks they can own real estate in my head ought to more involved into investing in lake bottom property.....although ocean front in FL might be a more sure bet in the short run...😏

@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)

(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)

"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."

...or something like that...🤷‍♂️*G*

*S*  Good morning/afternoon/'s hard to really tell time under artificial lights, salted or no... 

Thanks, I'd supposed a moniker from a Celtic warlord or the like....but I like my concept better than your reality, and feel free to share it..*g*  

...and your anglish is Fine....helps the misconcept....;)

Y'know....the block function  is handy, but....I was semi-psychically ready to lock keystrokes in a disparate wrangle...but.... a lack a lass or an alias, no mas...

"....Oh, lack a lay!  He's ded, this piece of runny no more.  He does not see the little birds who used to poop on his head...they can't fly!"
(....from the purposely lost 'Willie the Shake; Whilst Drunk' TP Tomes....)

Seems salt lamps and other ironic ionic items have other memes to contend with...which is only fitting.... overt over shinking thit can lead to attacks of M-ID.....

Multiple-Identity Disorder....we used to call it "The Waster"....:(

Excessive audio diaspora, in terms of what one uses to listen and immerse one's precocious mental metallic fluids with random excerpts from selections from anywhere with anything from anywhere But the excerpts are from.....

Pitifully....can drive one to keystroke the deranged drivel you've just labored to get to....Here.


No, I don't understand Any of the above, anymore that anyone else might.

But, It was kinda entertaining, and beat this salt lick on my desk.... 

'"   'L'ectroHi.....always good for a buzz...."

(....puns that fall like leaden farts upon the stage....)