You misread me another time ...
I was talking about your post and your intention in this thread discussion about a "tweak" ...
I advised you in a friendly manner after your first posts here on double blind test mantra which you throw at the head of people speaking about their opinions, i invited you to be more positive and less ideological and spoke about acoustics more then being more useful to people here , for example about the BACCH filters you own etc ...
I had no opinion about Belt ideas... I only know about what i experimented for ...
And putting cd in a freezer is not an experiment i will do as most people because it has no justification i can think about , ionization of a room at least is something less far fetched working or not...
Then when i read it i recognized your unoriginal ideological mind because repeating the double blind test mantra is manifesting an obsession as such ... and i advised you to read Creative mind as William Blake instead in my reply above ... try it paste and cut William Blake ...
Try to appreciate people instead of mocking them by the way , especially those who have fun and are creative , right or wrong ...I like salt lamp by the way ...😊
So you think Peter Belt tweaks are “shit?” But then you call me closed and narrow minded? 😆 we need to get you a road map.
For sure, when someone so innocent and pure as you are and rational, throw a piece of shit in a garden , and seeing a repulsive reaction from the owners of the garden, he always say that now he "own real estate in their heads but he never even wanted it " and he laugh for sure ...😊
By the way you are the only one to find this hilarious... It is mediocre sarcasm at best ... Try better from your own creativity instead of cut and paste ...
Scottwheel read William Blake you will learn something new ...Here we have asvjerry who wrote fun posts and wise one ...Imitate him if Blake is over your head ...
« A discussion is a garden, and nobody shit in a garden unlike it is not his own » -- Anonymus audiogon poster 😎
But i am not angry at all with you my friend ...
«Shit in the garden is only compost»-- another Anonymus audiogon poster 🧐
Hilarious how just posting a list of tweaks that many people believe in with zero commentary makes some people poop their pants. I own real estate in your head and I don’t even want it.
I understand... You seem electro sensitive person...
Probably with an unrecognized or recognized intuitive ability ...
Merry Christmas to you and to your family ... 🎄
My alias Mahgister means : m.A.h= milli amperes /hour and "gister" in dutch means= yesterday ... All together they suggest magister the latin word for teacher ... Then dont forget the letter "h" ... all together this means : my battery bank taught me something ....
Each name means on many levels...Truth is dispersed in many names , learning to read is learning to pray and think ....
Numbers lives without any name , save a temporary one, because they all lives in the name of God , as tones together in the same melody and rythm ......
I was kidding about the sore tongue (my inner chef/freak would want to lick the lamp), but not about the SG.
I purchased the SG back when they were first mentioned here (perhaps by you) and it’s a cheap, maybe $12, rechargeable unit from China.
Oddly enough I’ve felt ill the few times I’ve been in an operating TV studio (2X in my early teens and 2X in my 30’s) while no one else seemed to be affected.
Generally the S.G. dont affect people negatively, but we are all different , and as in alimentation , there is not a regimen exactly the same for all ...
I had many working "on" all day for years with no problem except a better relaxation which can be for sure a placebo effect ...
For the soundfield i excluded just a mere -placebo effect because i made blind test experiments with all "on" ( maximal aural atmosphere around tones), half "on" (decreasing aural effects) and all "off" ( no aural effects) .. I had 12 low cost chinese one with battery, or power supply or usb , distributed all around the audio system and my listening position and connected to many wall plugs near and far from the gear ...
I like experiments more than upgrade purchases ... 😊
If you google your problem with sore toungue on the internet , you will see it is an idyosincrasic problem of you and very fee people ... How many people own salt lamps and repot only positive effect ? Almost all ...
"Schumann generator are not placebo at all, it is way more audible than atmosphere ionization ..."
I fell asleep next to the SG I purchased and woke up with an upset stomach (I rarely have them - not even once a year).
Following this I experienced the same if it was left on for more than 20-30 minutes.
It definitely affects my stomach, but it’s difficult to judge sonics while experiencing a stomach ache.
Has anyone experienced ill effects with the salt lamp - sore tongue?
The shining salt last as a lamp in my palm
They were the dry tears of the love i coveted
Without knowing i was always under his wings
Music appear my sadness disapear in the air
ionized by a past drop of evaporating salt
it is also my experience compared to passive salt lamp ( the audible difference here can be a placebo i cannot know) ...
And Schumann generators are more audible than ion generator ...Here i dont consider only mere placebo effect at all and in the case of ion generator either .....
A decent Negative Ion Generator works much better than the Him. Salt Lamp to purify the air. I've had both . I don't think the Him. Salt Lamp is anything more than a Lamp.
You are right about his posting mantra about double blind test...
But he posted some few interesting useful posts about the BACCH system then he can be very useful...
I just try to be fair ...And it is better to be welcoming to all than exclusive...
merry christmas to you coralkong
@scottwheel , 99% of your posts are complete garbage.
Sure, you’re free to post here, but imo, the damage is done, and your posts are pretty generally ignored, except by the few that continue to put up with your sealioning.
Get a life.
+1 for open mind new poster here...
Welcome to you on audiogon amtprod..
And Merry christmas....🎄
Yes you are right and i check them before buying ...
Anyway in my new room i did not have many , my experiments are terminated ... I only use one with medical grade level approved by Pasteur institute in France ..😊
By the way as i said ionization was for me just an experiment , not an audio upgrade ..
It is very less audible , most people will not perceive any benefit ...
Schumann generators as i said above , it is another more audible story ... I kept them ...The salt lamp is also almost no audible for most... The effect is even lost for me after the first observation... I kept it because it is relaxingly beautiful and help the "Bayesian" brain to perceive in the best possible environment .....
I only spoke about all that for fun experiments ..
But i thank you , you are right about ozone and it is better to advise people here ...
Then thanks a lot and merry christmas to you...🎄
@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)
(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)
"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."
...or something like that...🤷♂️*G*
Now what is the Bayesian model of the brain ?
This will help those who dont know about placebo effects and use the term to insult others as "tin foil hat" invective to be educated before insulting...
Perception is not a passive business, not only it can be trained but it can be untrained by beliefs and by lack of conscious experiments... Perception created in part what is perceived as "music" or meaningful sounds as "speech " is why psycho-acoustic studies of speech perception are so important and deep ...
Goethe and Leonardo da Vinci already described implicitly by their concrete discoveries in many fields how the Bayesian brain work by what Goethe called the active imaginative and prospecting and predictive perception, Goethe called it "gentle empiricism" in contrast to "analytical empiricism"... This method of prospection and prediction is anticipated also as well by Archimedes Method in mathematical physics and observation of natural phenomena as well as by Charles Sanders Peirce the greatest American philosopher among many other geniuses as the Russian Vladimir Vernadsky .. ..
it is why the Bayesian Brain live not PASSIVELY in a Fourier abstracted linear set of maps but ACTIVELY in his own territory in a non linear way and in his own time domain , beating the Fourier uncertainty threshold of frequencies and time ...This is why we can ask for more ecological theory of hearing , and auditory scene analysis ...
I dont expect those who insult others as "tin foil hat" without being able to think by themselves to understand real scientific litterature, as my years with students confirm me about this impossible task , but there is many wise people here .. I post this for them ...
read this :
To go further deep in the Bayesian model of the brain i suggest Karl Friston articles or youtube interviews... Very deep...
«1. Introduction
The standard and ideal biomedical model of symptom perception treats the brain largely as a passive stimulus-driven organ. It embraces the notion that the brain absorbs sensory signals from the body and converts them, directly, into conscious experience. Accordingly, biomedicine operates under the assumption that symptoms are the direct consequences of physiological dysfunction and improvement is the direct consequence of the restoration of bodily function. Despite its success, the biomedical model has failed to provide an adequate account of 2 well-demonstrated phenomena in medicine: (1) the experience of symptoms without pathophysiological disruption, and (2) the experience of relief after the administration of placebo treatments. This topical review advances the idea that “predictive processing,” a Bayesian approach to perception that is rapidly taking hold in neuroscience, significantly helps accommodating these 2 phenomena. It expands on recent high-quality empirical work on predictive processing1,7,19,24 and outlines, more broadly, how Bayesian models offer an altogether different picture of how the brain perceives symptoms and relief.
Symptoms without a physical cause and relief through placebo intervention are anomalies for the biomedical model of disease. The Bayesian approach to perception explains and accommodates these 2 phenomena. It exposes placebo and nocebo effects, not as aberrant events, but as facets of the overall modus operandi of the nervous system. It shows, also, that these act on the same inferential processes as “real” disease and “real” treatments do. The implication of this approach is that, to be truly patient-focused, medicine must attend to the predictive process that lies at the basis of symptom perception, and thereupon evaluate what efficient courses of action can lead the brain to predict the body’s health.»
Well said...😊
But my "anglish" is too bad to debate those who insult instead of thinking instead of something nice and funny to say ...
Then you can relax my friend ...
@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)
(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)
"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."
...or something like that...🤷♂️*G*
No it is not ...I never spoke english, i only read it somedays at 19 years old trying to understand an article about hypercomplex numbers ... I am not talented in mathematics either but was heavily interested all my life ... I always was interested by linguistic also but i am not talented in learning language, i never succeed speaking latin and greek either ...
But most people here are able to read my posts...Even if they are not well written...
But i am not always black or white , not binary, and not a simpleton... Then if someone is not interested he cannot made head and tails...
I suspect if you accuse me of being undecipherable it is because what i say dont interest you at all .. 😊
Be frank and say it directly ... I dont think you are a simpleton either ...
And you are very easy to read mind and letter ... As anybody who rent the head we own after throwing shit like a children and laugh and say that he did not even want it to begin with .. 😊
The most important thing is staying friendly, life is short....And be useful if i can ...
“You misread me another time ...”
Quite possible. I find most of the content of your posts to be indecipherable. I figured English isn’t your first language.
I am afraid i will not survive the next war of all against all ...
Archimedes does not survive the Roman invasion and diege of Syracuse not by lack of survival skills but by his geometrical absented minded silence answering to athe question very fit roman officer ...Too bad Rome want the genius alive , he died by accident and distraction ...
I was always fascinated by Archimedes... His genius was on the level of Newton ... And he even use the concept of the actual infinity if i read Reviel Netz ...
Why survive at all cost if the body fall but the spirit stay ?
I admire the survival craftmanship by the way, read me right ...
But i was more talented for dreaming than for handcrafting ...😊
By the way a salt lamp is not always a salt lamp...
«A fool see not the the same tree as the wise man sees»-- William Blake
The best driver of F1 used salt lamp ralaxation each evening before a race ...
....and the nut behind the wheel is the 'variable factor' you can't wrench or screwdriver.....
Sarcasm may be interesting and humoristic...
But when closed and narrow mind used it it is boring ...
Sorry scottwheel ...Grow a mind of your own...
Quit technological reading for a moment and read poetry sometimes logic is no more the solution but is the problem ... It is called creativity ...😊
I recommend William Blake , a Newton rival as prophet...
What is now proved was once only imagined. Share this Quote William Blake
For sure TODAY with computing model engineering this is so ...
But that does not undermine my point about tweaking and my metaphor with F1 in his history before the complete regulations ......
Too much regulations can be a problem too ...But it is another discussion ... And we are too much away from the salt lamp ...😊
Think a second, do you think the only thing that matter for F1 performance is in the sealed engine ?
Example simple , putting the air in the tire is an art in F1 , who do you think think the first about it , varying it in fonction not only of temperature and rain but about the different steps of a race ?
Suspension did not matter?
Mechanism of brake and the way to improve it ?
The ergodynamic of the seat and acess to command button ?
Is it not tweaking a bit each year to win a race ?
I am not even a mechanics and i can imagine solution to improve as i did for my system /room ..
Even rocket going to the moon can be tweak right fully or not ...
Any mechanism can be "oiled" or improved in some way...
We can even tweak our brain working ... Try relaxation in front of salt lamp to solve a mathematical problem ...
Now try to solve one in a non relaxed condition ..
Engineering is an art BEFORE and AFTER being an applied science ... As medecine is....( Not for Rockfeller controlled medecine though after the very " useful " Flexner report in 1910 used in some very specific direction and interests , some dont want free thinking individuals) I will stop here because i am far away from salt lamp ...😁
but not so much because salt lamp is better cure for covid than the imposed official "solution" ...
Oups! i go too far .......
«Logic is not the solution, it could be problem »---Groucho Marx 🤓
@mahgister not in the modern era the engines are sealed.
The salt taste good even if it does not come from Himalaya anyway...
It sell better marketed such...
It does not improve hearing at all ...
It changes the atmosphere ionizing it a bit ...
Is it audible ?
It was for me... But at this level of modification it could be placebo also ...
Then i add 2 other different ionization means and it was more audible ...
Was it a placebo effect again ?
I dont know but i dont takes chance i kept them...😊
After all we hear mere "waves" or do we hear more ? We perceive and interpreted meanings coming from a vibrating sound source ( always with placebo effects anyway, a rainbow as a physical phenomenon described by Newton or differently by Goethe , or a rainbow as something relating human to God or as a signpost for a treasure this is four different perceived rainbows ) ...
Schumann generator are not placebo at all, it is way more audible than atmosphere ionization ...
I dont know for sure how it work ... dithering effect ?
One thing is sure anybody can with simple blind test hear the difference between a grid of 12 S.G. at 10 bucks each distributed in the room and near the gear, then when putting them all "off", or all "on", or only half "off", the aural atmosphere around playing instruments change ...
I dont believe anything or i believe everything ... It is the same "faith" ...
I prefer experiments ..,.Simple blind is enough for me ... Double blind test maniac can go elsewhere ... I dont want to be a statistic for audio market ...😁
Even a F1 car can benefit from humble tweak by an inspired mechanics...
The problem is when someone believe in the virtue of the mere price tag, he can imagine that putting speakers in a living room and plugging them it is then the end of the game ...
When you own as me low cost speakers you cannot entertain this illusion of the satisfied consumers ... You must learn how to improve them not only plug the gear...
I speak here in a general way, i did not presume anything about the OP ...
Does a speaker at that level need a big lump of salt to sound good?
The effect is subtle and you with your gear you simply EQ. it out ...😁
Buy another one for the glow; the last one was absorbing moisture so much and humidity in your house that there was perhaps a problem, if the lamp disapear so rapidly looking at it there is a problem ...Mine lost a bit in very humid summer but doe not loose their shape in a measurable way under eyes...
Merry christmas mijostyn...I wish you the very best... 🎄
For arthritis use electro-magnetic field application and turmeric and astaxanthine ( a natural and powerful antioxydent which will help even covid/vaxx disease ) ...
I have had a Salt lamp for 10 years. As far as I can tell it makes no difference in sound quality. It also very slowly disappears. I wonder where the salt goes. It was a gift from a friend. Supposed to help my arthritis or such. It did not do that either.
I will give you as answer a gentle double blind virtual kick ass...😁
Merry christmas and i hope you will receive a beautiful salt lamp to help placebo perception as an imprevisible gift...🦌
@mahgister Merry Christmas and I want a quadruple blind and deaf test... 😜🎅
Ionization of room atmosphere work...
I know because i did it ... Not only with salt lamp i like glowing...But with ionizer... It is very subtle effect...
Fanatics will ask for double blind test for sure...
Simple blind test in a well balanced system is enough ...
I used not only three modes for ionization : salt lamp and a top ionizer ( patented and recommended by Pasteur laboratory by the way ) i bought first for health reason in the covid hysteria and totalitarian control era ..I also bought 2 low cost( 20 bucks) dust ionizer from china usb powered ...
I also used a grid of Schumann generators i modified in my first acoustic room ... It was easy to test this grid of 10 bucks S.G. i had 12 ...😊
My first blind test was the day i forget to put them "on" and i realized it because i did not feel so much happy with my sound ...
After i test it by putting half of them "off" etc ... They were distributed all around the room .. I use 12 because being cheap they were not powerful enough for a room was better for me than buying only one at 500 bucks...The advantage with the cheap one was that i could experiment with the location and with the effect way better than with a single one ...
The effect of the S.G. are more audible than with ionization ... And ionization more audible than just 3 salt lamp near the speakers ...
But ionization and S.G. will not upgrade your system... It is only a cherry on an already well done cake ... I did it because it is easy to verify and i had lot of fun creating my dedicated room ...
All this is way less audible for sure than mechanical, electrical and especially acoustical control of the system/ room...
I did many other experiments with various minerals that idiots will take the excuse for to call me "tin foil hat"... We dont lack idiots then i will stay silent about this here ...
By the way i never bought tweaks, i created mine or replicated some ...
Audio experience is conditioned by acoustics basic experiments and concepts not by price tag gear collection and neither by tweaks so interesting and effective they could be in some case ... ( another tweak i experimented with is a form of tuned mass damping on my speakers and i created my own EMI shielding with some minerals )
By the way lacking money to invest in a 100,000 bucks system was my luck... With a 1000 bucks system there is two possibilities , you learn acoustics basic and you create your own tweaks ...I succeeded ... I envy no one and with my modified low cost speakers and modified low cost headphones i can live without any upgrade at all till my death ... Even if i want to buy one day the BACCH filters ...but this is another story ...
Merry chistmas to the OP and to all ...🎄