Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.



I am afraid i will not survive the next war of all against all ...

Archimedes does not survive the Roman invasion and diege of Syracuse not by lack of survival skills but by his  geometrical absented minded silence answering to athe question very fit roman officer ...Too bad Rome want the genius alive , he died by accident and distraction ...

I was always fascinated by Archimedes... His genius was on the level of  Newton ... And he even use the concept of the actual infinity if i read Reviel Netz ...


Why survive at all cost  if the body fall but the spirit stay ?

I admire the survival craftmanship by the way, read me right ...

But i was more talented for dreaming than for handcrafting ...😊

No it is not ...I never spoke english, i only read it somedays at 19 years old trying to understand an article about hypercomplex numbers ... I am not talented in mathematics either but was heavily interested all my life ... I always was interested by linguistic also but i am not talented in learning language, i never succeed speaking latin and greek either ...


But most people here are  able to read my posts...Even if they are not well written...

But i am not always black or white , not binary, and not a simpleton... Then if someone is not interested he cannot made head and tails...

I suspect if you accuse me of being undecipherable it is because what i say dont interest you at all .. 😊

Be frank and say it directly ... I dont think you are a simpleton either ...

And you are very easy to read mind and letter ... As anybody who rent the head we own after throwing shit like a children and laugh and say that he did not even want it to begin with .. 😊

The most important thing is staying friendly, life is short....And be useful if i can ...


“You misread me another time ...”

Quite possible. I find most of the content of your posts to be indecipherable. I figured English isn’t your first language.


“But most people here able to read my posts...Even if they are not well written...”

I would caution against speaking for others 

“But i am not always black or white , not binary, and not a simpleton... Then if someone is not interested  he cannot made head and tails...

I suspect if you accuse me of being undecipherable it is because what i say dont interest you at all .. 😊”

it’s not an accusation. It’s just my personal observation. But truth be told much of what you post isn’t terribly interesting to me. My interests are pretty specific in audio. 

“Be frank and say it direxctly ... I dont think you are a simpleton either ...”

I don’t see any point in telling anyone their posts aren’t interesting. Which has nothing to do with yours often being indecipherable. And English is your second language so it’s not exactly surprising. 

“And you are very easy to read mind and letter ...”

And yet you keep getting it wrong. 

Just when you think there can't be more silliness than too many so-called audiophiles already believe...

...anyone who thinks they can own real estate in my head ought to more involved into investing in lake bottom property.....although ocean front in FL might be a more sure bet in the short run...😏

@roadcykler...Oh, you’ve just stepped into the shallows (unless you’ve spent more lurk time at the edges of the frayed frolics found ’round this about)....pause and stand by.,,, ;)

(As a fan of obtuse obfuscation of a literary lines, I can foresee intense duels with the anguished ’anglish’ yet to pursued, pommeled into vacuous value...)

"Oh, what fun....let the play begin....let’s wrought an ending to this dubious delineation of doubtful devious debate..."

...or something like that...🤷‍♂️*G*