Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


Thanks it is a pleasure to be understood ...

Just a precision the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold exist for all speakers at any price ... Because room acoustics problems are not theoretical problems only but are related to each type and each design of speakers, nevermind the price ... The acoustic problem of a speakers/room relation is not solved the same way for all type of speakers, nor for all size, nor for all price of speakers ...

To go to the maximal acoustical satisfaction threshold , not only  physical acoustics but  psycho-acoustics measures are necessary  and  we need DSP as the BACCH filters, also we need  mechanical control of vibration/resonance and  we need a control over the electrical noise floor levels in the house/room/system pieces...

There is not a crowd there passed this maximal acoustical threshold of satisfaction ... It is less about cost in money than knowledge... For sure a top system cost more than mine ... Even if i am happy with the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ( the adjective "acoustical" here refer to acoustic(s) in the plural not to mere room acoustic ) .

I wish you the best for christmas and for your audio journey...


@mahgister "ENDGAME means that we are so happy passing this threshold of MINIMAL acoustic satisfaction when acoustic problems are solved..."

It's really not about the speakers but the sickness. I've had multiple speakers that should have been endgame. Goldenear Triton Ref. Dynaudio Evidence Temptations. Dynaudio C1 Signature. Monitor Audio 300 Platinum. Legacy Aeris. Any right minded human would have been happy with any of them or at least determined the room wasn't allowing total satisfaction. Should have taken more time to enjoy all of them.

bubba12, I would fit int your camp. At 1 time I had in my basement (all used) revel salon 2, Usher BE-20 DMD, Persona 7f, and I think the Meridian DSP 8000se/up and still landed on the next headliner to come in at a good price.

Any one of those speakers was good enough to build a system around, but I wanted that instant synergy and didn’t have the patience or confidence choose 1 to build a system around.

Placebo effect or, Ignorance is bliss was such a happy place. Not knowing what I was missing and not caring because I loved the music. A buddy of mine asked what he could do to improve the sound of his system without taking a second mortgage and I told him to have an edible about a half hour b4 listening to what he already has!

I completely agree with @bubba12 it is sickness. Once I found God and my current speakers not in that order, it brought order to all my life. God did that is. 

@steve59 I had some Ushers a couple down the line from yours. I forgot those. LOL Do you still have the Blades?  I feel some comfort that I'm not alone but the room is always going to set the limit on the sound. I need to understand that. I have a loft system that I never have any urge to change. The room sounds great. The equipment is nice but less money than the one I can't find deep satisfaction in.