What to expect if I import an amp and preamp from a Japan seller via US eBay

I can’t afford the cost of the amp and preamp I’d like to buy.  I’ve discovered I can pay just less than half what I’d pay at a dealer in the US.  But I haven’ t done this before.  I’m aware that I won’t have a guarantee and that I’ll need a step down transformer.    I willing to take the risk of no guarantee.  But I don’t know what to expect when my box hits CUSTOMS.  What can I expect?  What are my responsibilities?  How much is it likely to cost me?, I’ll be paying $7000 for the amp and the preamp..


I hope the Audiogon Cheap community realizes grey market products have no protection or warranty and you risk your product being seized if you send it in for factory repair with no recourse of getting it back from the distributor or factory.

Also no parts will be given to 3rd party repair shops. Especially with the proprietary parts and tweaks these japanese brands make in house.

@OP. Most people are extremely reluctant to buy gear that is requires add on transformers to correct for international mains voltage differences. It's important to bear that in mind if you ever have to sell the equipment subsequently.

Regarding servicing, also bear in mind that communicating with Japan is not easy unless you speak/read Japanese.

For what it's worth, $7000 is a lot of money and you have no recourse if something goes wrong.  Even if the equipment gets to you safely, you have no warranty and can't be certain if the components are gray market or clones.  If so, the manufacturer would likely refuse to service them. IMHO, I would not purchase them. 

@allenf1963 ​Accuphase E4000 Integrated Amp in Japan for $6,190...but buy it here in the U.S. and it’s $14,000

Can you provide a link where you see this price? No I’m not EVER going to buy it as others have stated too much of a risk and besides using a step-down transformer sacrifices sonics​​​​​​. (And please not an ebay ad)

@2psyop Thanks.  I hadn't thought of that.  Where is the signup for the first rodeo?