KEF LS60: Distance from wall behind them

I'n most of the video reviews of the KEF LS60 I've seen, the speakers appear to be quite close to the wall behind them.  I realize they are not rear ported, but is there a recommended minimum distance from the wall behind them.  They will be replacing KEF References 1s that are 45" from the wall behind them.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

I have no problem setting the LS60s where the Reference 1s are now.  The Reference 1s are augmented below 80 Hz by a pair of Velodyne HGS 15s with acoustic room correction.  I assume there will be no problem using the subs with the LS60, but might bypass the crossover of the SMS-1 bass manager given the KEF Contact app has bass management.  Im not sure how Contact and the SMS-1 will play together.

Haven't heard e LS60,. just read and seen reviews.  Kal Rubinson's review for Stereophile was the most convincing.  At 87, I'm aiming to simplify with a setup that's easy to use but sounds good.  The KEF Reference1s, driven by the  Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp and VX-5 Twenty amp, sourced by Ayre QX-5 Twenty Roon-ready DAC and DX-5 DSD disc player is a tough act to follow.  I'll be keeping the Ayre disc player and phono amp.  it's most likely I'll buy a LS60 next month before I sell existing gear.

@dbphd ,

Because they are not rear ported they can go much closer to the wall than your Reference 1’s and like @yyzsantabarbara said, they have DSP, so you can set the sound the way you like. 

All the best with your new speakers.

I had a demo of r11 and r3 meta models last weekend and also ls60. The ref 3s were sublime. The r11s pretty close and the Ls 60s held their own amazingly well especially for their size. I was sold.