Amp first approach to build a system. Anyone did it ?

As opposed to classical speakers first or source first.

I didn't do it, but if I started today I would keep the amp I have and probably replace everything else.


It would be best if you tell us the specific model number of the amp you will keep and use, then it is more a question of avoiding a poor speaker choice.

I had a pair of vintage tube mono blocks 30wpc, 4,8,16 ohm taps, big transformers. They were the start, period, then compatible speakers, and a tube preamp.

You are going SS, no problem, but we need to know the amp's specifics to give you good/avoid advice, not specific speaker models, just what to avoid technically.

I own 3 systems, a living room one, a smaller dedicated room one, and one I setup outside during summer months. All have evolved, sometime having speakers looking for an amp, sometimes having an amp and looking for speakers. Sources have also changed. 

More than one way to accomplish a satisfying result.

To paraphrase J. Geils vocalist Peter Wolf “First I look at the room”.

Then speakers.  Then…..


I have always wanted either Lamm or VAC. I have also wanted to leave the world of SS amplification.