Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.

So my wife made this observation after I spent a couple hours fiddle farting with cables, connections and speaker placements. She said is this hobby/obsession your desire for audio excellence, or just you like tinkering with stuff, tweaking your system and feeding your OCD? 

She said you try this and try that and guess what it all sound the same to me. She really knows me and my OCD. 

Enjoy your Sunday.  


Changing a cartridge for a way costlier one is not "tinkering" nor it is  an embedding control device it is an upgrade of component  ...😁

Tinkering is  often like walking with your hand without seeing ...

We must learn how to control the main  three working dimensions of a system...

And a search for excellence in sound which never end is not a search for excellence in sound but in most case a mental disease or an obsession  ...Any study and set of experiments in acoustic end somewhere ...Any speakers building end somewhere etc ...

I listen music now without being frustrated ...I guess i am no more an "audiophile" or perhaps i am an informed one ...😉


Both. In your search for "audio excellence", "tinkering" is one of the procedures. Like changing the cartridge on your turntable. May seem to be "tinkering" to most. At $5,000, I would not call it, Tinkering. Probably closer to Surgery.

Personally I feed this need by building.  Whether it is speakers or cables, I find it more satisfying to make something than buying something.

I encourage all audiophiles to at least once in their hobby lifetime to build at least 1 speaker kit.  They are affordable and rewarding in ways far better than being armchair critics.

Can't you give it a rest? Your response is not even germane to the OP. 

Sorry but @erik_squires is spot on here ...

We must LEARN something ...

We must become creative ...

We must study acoustics... And acoustic is not merely buying GK acoustics panels sorry ...

It is your own post accusation in one line which is not " germane" to the thread matter because it is an ad hominem attack with no content ...The post of erik is a good proposition to learn something out of a BLIND tinkering often motivated by obsession ...

And the poster you attacked is a positive contributor by the way more than most here ...

Then can you give it a rest and spare us your one line attack ?

Can’t you give it a rest? Your response is not even germane to the OP.

Can’t you give it a rest? Your response is not even germane to the OP.


That’s funny because the OP actually weighed in:

I may get a kit from that fellow on youtube GR Research.

As to being germane, I think building and tinkering are very closely related.

But as for "giving it a rest" ... no. I find that we, stereophiles, are made better by having more builders and tinkerers. The entire concept of being an audiphile and stereophile was built by tinkerers and builders before there were buyers and sellers. I’m not here to sell a brand or tool but to encourage the visitors here to think about getting dirty with sawdust, solder and tools now and then. Our community is made better for it.

That can’t be bad, can it? 😀