Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.

So my wife made this observation after I spent a couple hours fiddle farting with cables, connections and speaker placements. She said is this hobby/obsession your desire for audio excellence, or just you like tinkering with stuff, tweaking your system and feeding your OCD? 

She said you try this and try that and guess what it all sound the same to me. She really knows me and my OCD. 

Enjoy your Sunday.  


Showing 1 response by fsonicsmith

Personally I feed this need by building.  Whether it is speakers or cables, I find it more satisfying to make something than buying something.

I encourage all audiophiles to at least once in their hobby lifetime to build at least 1 speaker kit.  They are affordable and rewarding in ways far better than being armchair critics.

Can't you give it a rest? Your response is not even germane to the OP.