Speaker Cable Recommendation

I'm wondering if someone could recommend a pair of speaker cables.  I have looked at Nordost entry level, but they may be too thin for my system. Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system.

Decware 300b tube amp (8watts),  Klipsch Forte IV,   Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Thanks, Mark


BTW, the Satori’s are OCC copper, which will make some people happy, me included. Not sure of their geometric cross-sectional shape, but I am assuming they are circular, and not polygonal. 

I will second @dekay's recommendation for the Micca cables.  They're cheap enough to just try and see how they compare to your old cables.  Or they can serve as a placeholder if you want to try other cables.

There are a couple of threads here about these cables.  I bought them just for yuks after reading Steve Huff's review.  I still prefer my Transparent cables on my main system, and my Anti-cables on my second system, but I could live with the Miccas.  I listen to a lot of acoustic and folk music, and the Miccas do something special with midrange and vocals. 

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