Speaker Cable Recommendation

I'm wondering if someone could recommend a pair of speaker cables.  I have looked at Nordost entry level, but they may be too thin for my system. Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system.

Decware 300b tube amp (8watts),  Klipsch Forte IV,   Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Thanks, Mark


Showing 9 responses by jacobsdad2000

@marktheshark there are a lot of great recommendations here. You should reach out to The Cable Company that has a lending library and try a few. Only you and your system can determine what will work for you.

Don't get mired down in the theater around here or the pontificating by certain members around here in particular @tvrgeek.  Personality I like @stereo5 recommendation and the Canare S411 cable. But heck a cable costing more may be the ticket for you. I find the only constant in @tvrgeek engineering is that he cannot afford it he shites on it using some so called analytics (engineering speak for bs and can’t afford it), it doesn’t matter what the topic is either, DACs, Cable, Amplifiers, Ethernet Switches. His bias is obvious in his one quotes “ I can not afford it as a retired civil servant on social security” think that sums up his engineering. 

With these speakers you will hear zero difference in cables. So $100.00 speaker cables are the kit for you. With the MC152 you will benefit from better speakers and one day better speaker cable. 

I have Focal Chorus 836


I do believe there is places to put money

@n0m1n4l Yes I would be as I have never cared for Focals, only their HP's. If old is your thing then be happy. 

@magnuman Well I am no longer reading your crap. Nor amI buying your crap.Very happy with my cables. Enjoy your rants Homer. 

Not what I said. Quite content with my cables I said. Guess reading, comprehension and critical thinking are an issue for you. So go peddle your cables and leave me out of it. Homer and a shill. Your system is worth nothing to me. Is your system compensation for your lack of class and dignity. Or better yet lack of manhood. So tired of your Yaddah, yaddah, yadda So $78 K Canadian so it’s $32k US and depreciation it’s work $14k now. Feel stupid, you should. Oh have another scotch reading your post I think you’re drunk eh.

For me the job of the speaker cable is to be transparent, neutral, adds no coloration, simply adds nothing to the performance nor takes from it. Over time I have had lots of cables in my system.

Canare 411


Signal Cable Silver Resolution 4 strand pure silver with 4 strand OFC (excellent and not stupid expensive)

Raven Audio

DH Labs Silver

Zavfino OCC

All have the qualities sited above.