Who to trust when buying vintage ss ?

A co worker wants to start getting into audio. I suggested an harmon kardonn 670 as a starter. Any suggestions for trustworthy online sellers of this sort?





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Oh I know what they are, I have the midmonos. I had several QS pieces. We were talking about hooking up my co-worker with a system. I figured you were offering them so I was going to negotiate for my friend.


Audiolab 6000a play could be a good choice.

Has phono, dac and streamer.

Find them for $600~$700 on the used market frequently.


Vintage is not the place to start. Lots of old sexy looking stuff out there that perhaps has been redone pretty well but you never know and vendors in that business are asking over inflated prices these days for what originally cannot compare to modern gear plus is old and who knows what? It should at least look pretty before one pays inflated prices for complex old gear that was just OK for the most part compared to modern gear even when new. Technology has advanced greatly since the 1980s and before. I know because I’ve been there all the time and even used to sell much of that vintage gear back when it was fresh and new.

Having been warned, check out “Just Audio” website.  They specialize in vintage and also sell some good new gear.  I’ve used them to repair vintage with mixed results and also have bought new with much better results. 

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