Pee Wee Herman has passed away

Sorry, I know not audio related, but he was part of my childhood...


Sorry to hear this. Every Saturday morning I watched and taped Pee Wee and friends; Miss Yvonne, Captain Carl (Phil Hartman), Lawrence Fishburne, Chairry, King of Cartoons, Jambi.

RIP Paul Reubens.

A brilliant artist who was condemned and ostracized for far less than some famous performers who abuse or rape women. He was doing what he was doing in a place where you go to do what he was doing.

What a loss. When I first stumbled upon his show, I wondered why I wasn't subjected to his level of entertainment as a kid, but I did have Bugs Bunny and Soupy Sales. Someone always has to be the one who breaks the ice. 

All the best,