High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


@ozzy Talk to his former employees he left high and dry. I did and everything was auctioned and proceeds went to the landlord. That is enough for me to stay away from this guy and his company. 3 strikes your out, he has two right now. 


If anyone has been cheated from High-Fidelity due to their business failure by not receiving the product or getting their money back, simply post it on this thread.

Again, I am under the impression all have been taken care of, either with product or their money back.

Please let us know.

I worked 42 years for a company that went bankrupt, lost my pension, healthcare etc. Am I bitter?... It doesn't seem right that any assets went to the creditors. However, the union employees did get some payout, but the salaried workers got nothing.

When business failures occur, yes, the employees lose their jobs. Too bad the system doesn't help the workers, but it usually doesn't.


Hi, I was one of those that lost out when HFC closed, but luckily only lost a smallish amount. I suspect Business closures can be brutal for all involved, and I was simply unlucky with purchase timing and laws that prioritise creditors first for debts owed :)

I have since bought a few products from Rick on this site with no problems and great communication and would be happy to buy more as rick is a very responsive seller with great after sales care, even months after the sale.

Whatever you think of the products and price (easy to not buy if you are a sceptic), I think you can trust a purchase on this site from the man himself which is what this is really about?

So +1 for trust

Also keen to hear any reviews on the Apparation cables!!

The new Apparition xlr interconnects between my disc player and Pre amp crushed my older Transparent Reference XL xlr mm2 interconnect. So much that i order another one to replace the Transparent Reference XL mm2 interconnect between Pre amp and Amp. The much lighter  carbon wave guides much easier to work with than the original metal ones. They do not pull the equipment off the shelf like the older metal ones did. When hanging off the back of a shelf.