DAC contest: Border Patrol Sei or Chord Qutest?

I had a thread about CD transports hijacked by a member who insisted that I had to ditch the Border Patrol before doing anything else in my system. No idea how he landed on the Chord, but he did.

So, here you are... a place to stomp some more on the Border Patrol and praise the Chord... lol.


For a variety of reasons, this is a truly bizarre thread.

If an OP isn't willing to answer perfectly reasonable questions, what's the point? 




just read what I wrote don’t just take piece to fit your response 

why do I have to listen to a guy he seems to have knowledge on everything post on here ?

like I said most people are looking for hands on  experience From actual owners 

not from random people who has zero experience but pretending to have 

I rather listen to a reviewer who is actually has hands on experience  to the particular dac I’m interested 

@lordrootman "...why do I have to listen to a guy he seems to have knowledge on everything post on here ?"

You don't have to. And we all appreciate hands on experience, no argument there. There are responses that agitate each of us at times, no big deal - over time we kinda learn to ignore what we don't find helpful. Take away whatever we can, shrug off the rest imo. Happy listening.  👍     


These two are a lot of "apples and oranges".  In MY system, the Border Patrol is the pretty clear winner over the Qutest (and yes, I've owned them both). I really enjoyed the Qutest when I dumped my Ayre Codex about three years ago.  All the things that Chord is known for, lots of detail and space.  It's excellent and for anybody who believes more detail is better.  Until I got more resolving speakers.  With my Volti Rivals, the Chord's tone and timbre just couldn't compare with the Border Patrol (mine is the SE-I version).  If you do quick A-B comparisons of the two, I can see why some would prefer the Chord.  But if you actually just let each unit go for about of week of listening and see which one actually lets you enjoy the music more, it's the Border Patrol.  The review linked above is actually right on point.

As with all audio gear and setups, people have very different tastes and preferences, there is never one right answer.  I would imagine for example that if someone combined the Qutest with Focal speakers, it would make my ears bleed, but others would love the hyper detail.  I personally admire the Qutest more than I love it.  I love the Border Patrol and will never get rid of it even as systems evolve.

For background, my other stand-alone DAC (in another system) is a Merason DAC1 and I auditioned DACS by Ideon, Matrox, Weiss & Bricasti before going ith the Merason.