AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


Maybe for movie soundtracks but i don't think it can ever imitate emotions effectively.  I liked Joe Walsh's response when asked if he was concerned about AI taking the place of musicians:  He said--"not worried at all--it'll never be able to destroy a hotel room" 😀 

We have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to AI.

It is our greatest creation so far and most likely our most natural successor.

It is so clever that we have to constantly redefine what it means to be human.

In fact I can recall a time when it was claimed that no machine could ever defeat a world chess champion.

Then there was Turing test where a human engages in a text-based conversation with both another human and a machine, and has to decide which one they believe is a human. If the judge cannot distinguish between the human and the machine based on the conversation, then the machine is said to have passed the Turing Test.

Well, I don’t think either of those 2 examples are relevant any longer.

I mean all this shouldn’t really come as any surprise should it? After all science fiction writers have been talking about the coming of AI for over a century now.

What to do?

Play the Luddite in a desperate bid for self survival or continue to play Dr Frankenstein?

A real dilemma, particularly for those of a religious persuasion.

Oh there are some that have much to fear.

We have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to AI.

So I'm surfing through Instagram and came upon a video of Joe Walsh. He shares why musicians should not be worried by AI.

"It's computers. It has nothing to do with music. It can't destroy a hotel room. It can't through a TV off the fifth floor into a pool and get it right in the middle. When AI knows how to destroy a hotel room, then I'll pay attention to it."

Fear is useless and self destructive...

Consciousness is not a factor that is free for all with no cost...

It cost in three direction : To really think we must seach for truth...

And we must be ready to abandon anything in which we believe...

And we must guide our attention on phenomenon without taking them for free as if they already ever exist under a label and a name ...

A lion is not a lion, almost nowbody as ever seen a lion , because we interact with lion on a superficial level... We dont know why a lion appear as such and we dont even communicate with them... We dont know what a lion is...


Now for A. I. the danger ( i had no fear and i am not a luddite by the way being conscious of a danger is not being in fear necessarily ) is in the belief that we will program it and control it...As some engineers think...It will seems tob e true in the beginning..

At the end it is IMPOSSIBLE to control A. I. ... For many reasons i will not enumerate...

A. I. is not a tool, it appear as a tool, but as said Hinton the scientist who was their creator, A. I. will program us not the reverse ...

Anybody who dont understand clearly this point dont know what he talk about...

The other problem is an illusory control of A. I. which is possible and will be implemented by the hand of those who CONTROL already society now... No it is not Biden , Macron or Trudeau etc...

Then under their control A. I. promise to be destructive of our freedom ... ( see the last three years)

But the first danger at longer term is way more dangerous but most people cannot even imagine the problem...

For example, even Hinton BELIEVE that A. I. will be more "intelligent" than humans.. This is not even wrong and this is the real problem...intelligence in the concrete sense of the world is ALSO a moral Attitude...A truly deep intelligence is not Stalin , Hitler, Gengis khan or Alexander... imagine an intelligence as Archimedes one hundred times with no moral and no spirituality, Is this "intelligence" could be a real intelligence ? No... it will be a demon... Christ, Boudha, Lao tse, are intelligence in a concrete spiritual way... ( i am not religious by the way)

Then we will encounter a challenge and we will be tempted to define hunman intelligence OUT OF ANY SPIRITUAL CONTEXT as the A. I. is out of any spiritual context ...If we go with this it will be the end of free humanity...Hinton, who created A. I. as it is now, fear this destruction of spiritual intelligence by a mechanical spiritually blind overpowering intelligence which we will not control , even the powerful corporation will loose their imaginary control over it..

A. I. is not a tool like a phone, or a computer...Not at all... But it will be sold as this ; a mere tool by those who will at first use it to control us the sheeps.. They will even thought that they are them in control over A. I. and merge with it..

Then there is two problem : the control of human with the help of A. I. and the end of freedom..

And the destruction of the soul by the merging and idolizing of this A. I. which will be in control not us..

The greatest third problem is that most people dont even see these two problems as problems ...

Most people think that there is no real danger because A. I. is not able to destruct an object or a house or a pool in the real world...They  are not conscious that their soul is more real than a house in the world.. And they will think that i am a crazy born again christian zealot saying it...i am not...