Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k

I wanted to see if there were any group suggestions for an integrated tube amp or tube / solid-state combo under 10k or, even better, under 6k. Still looking for my final purchase in this part of my system.  Thanks everyone.


Oh, for a demo where 8-10 highly touted tube amps between $4k -$10 were placed in a single room with reasonable acoustics, well-rated DAC, revealing speakers, and tubes recommended by creator / manufacturer for the event. We could listen and opine and choose!

I'll add that we must blind test them before revealing the brand or model. 😎

Ayon, Audiomat (I'm slightly biased owner of Audiomat), Audio Research and Octave. I owned or listened extensively those. Chose model appropriate for your speakers and room, with which I am not familiar with. 
Lampizator Atlantic (well, anything from them) is one of the best out there. Very quiet. High sensitivity speakers still need some power to keep the system as quiet. It would be a mortal sin to ruin that quietness of your DAC. Class A vs AB vs hybD, SET vs PP or integrated vs pre/power combo - all that pales in comparison of importance to match amp's output to your speakers, and your source to the preamp/integrated input.
It appears you have a good info from speaker manufacturer; why don't you ask Lampizator people?

Well, Lampizator sells their own amps... ($14k-18K per component and up) and probably recommends amps well beyond the given budget.

@jchiappinelli Carlsbad2, Why do you keep mis-informing that Prima luna relies on printed circuit boards when they are clearly point-to-point hand wired? It’s one of their primary marketing pitches and clearly supported by photos of the insides of their components.


INSIDE VIEW - PL EVO 400 Integrated

This could be what @carlsbad2 is referring to. Does not make it wrong, yet I’m counting at least 8 different little circuit boards inside, this pic is right off the Primaluna site, today. Typically a true point-to-pont wired component does not have any circuit boards, or at least no boards in the signal path.

Would be fun to hear from some of the modifier/upgrade folks who know how to truly tweak this amp up more, and bring it to an entirely new level. Someone knows...


If you search, there are some good threads on modding a PL. I think they are pre-Evo but may still apply to Evo. 

To continue to beat a dead horse though, I really don't think the supplied PL tubes are all that great - but ok.. I'm thinking that they expect most (?) will roll thier tubes anyway. 

I did a lot of searches here and on google as well as the reviews on Upscale and also with Brent Jesse (and purchased from him also). 

I'm still a bit of a newbie (but not new) and I would start with the music you like and what you prioritze in SQ and go from there. 

I chose KT-150s for the extra low end but also to my ears sound good throughout the spectrum. However, (better quality) E34s are better in the midrange (sweet) and there are a bunch of others. 

That said, I would start with the preamp tubes up front. I have Radiotechniques (sp) up in the two main slot and prefer them over NOS Mullards and Mazda Clittes. The Mullards were too bright in the upper mids and the Mazdas a bit too much treble IIRC. I have the Mazdas flanking the Radios on each side. Also, you have double the power tubes than I do ($).

My Evo 300 Int sounds a lot better to my ears than the stock tubes. 

I heard my same speakers at a hifi show with a $20k tube amp. While the mids were slightly more clear, the highs and lows weren't any better and certainly not worth the $15k difference - again to my ears. My sound stage is better also but with all of this I'm trying to take into account that was a motel room with no treatment. It did sound fantastic, but not any better than mine (again, except more clear mids, but not $15k clear).

Anyway, I'd start reading some of the comments and threads and also call Upscale and email Brent Jesse.