Yamaha Amplifier Warranty Issues

My Yamaha A-S2100 integrated amplifier under warranty has been sent to an authorized Dealer for repairs, Yamaha says the parts are back ordered 10-12 weeks and some cannot be found yet. They refuse to replace with a new amp. What good is this warranty? Is'nt there anything I can do?



Yamaha is now working on trying to replace the unit with a refurbished one. Does anyone have any experience with refurshbed units?

That’s good news that Yamaha is working towards a customer accommodation. As I mentioned earlier in the thread (although challenged by others), that is not an unusual practice in some fields, including consumer electronics.

I would have no concern about accepting a refurbished product. Consider that if Yamaha had the parts to repair your unit, what you would receive after the service would be a your unit, refurbished, with some sort of warranty, likely somewhere between 90 days and a year.

I’d consider also the good faith that Yamaha has shown (and perhaps your dealer, if he’s helping, and I hope he is), and that the company is also likely to support you in the future. So I would happily accept the refurbished unit in exchange.

Replace the unit with a new one. Send faulty unit back to manufacturer where they can fix unit on their own time. Keep customer happy. Sick of all the excuses. Give the man a new unit and let manufacturer fix his old one then resell as b stock. Is common sense gone? 

I agree with Cleeds.  What you have now is a used unit.  A refurbished unit will have been bench tested before being shipped out to you to ensure it's in working condition, and cleaned up to look new.  I would venture a guess that a refurb would be less likely to be problematic in the future than a new unit.  This is one that's had a problem (as has yours) and been repaired (as yours would have been).  Yours was once new, and failed.  Go with the refurb.