Speakers sounding dull? MUST READ! The truth about speaker design!

Do your speakers sound dull and lifeless?  Well that's because speakers are not made from real musicians, or even real musical instruments.  Well I alone have a solution for this...





The funniest thing on earth right now is how Kenjit confused this thread with his own.  🤣

"I am one of the few in the industry that has credibility and competence bar none."

- I think not

"I have seen and heard it all.. "

- Good, then you can leave us alone, sorry we won't miss you.

"The funniest thing on earth right now is how Kenjit confused this thread with his own"

- I know, but remember eric, he lives in a state a confusion.  


The pion took the bait

Another see you next Tuesday moment from the Kenidjit.