Speakers sounding dull? MUST READ! The truth about speaker design!

Do your speakers sound dull and lifeless?  Well that's because speakers are not made from real musicians, or even real musical instruments.  Well I alone have a solution for this...





Showing 9 responses by erik_squires





That's hilarious.  He absolutely deserves to be memorialized that way.

  but in reality a speakers job is to accurately reproduce the original source

@timlub  - I disagree.  To me these are not lab instruments anymore than a car is. I buy, build and critique speakers based on whether they satisfy me.  I expect others to do the same.  The jury is very much still out on what an ideal speaker is and how it behaves in a home.  It's also been quite trendy and varies from region to region and over time.  The ideal monitor of a studio in the 1980's is surely different today.

Am I the only one who remembers this?  It's kind of hilarious how even with a dozen laugh emotes people still take this thread seriously.


Wednesday Adams - Are your cookies made with real girl scouts?


Ty, I did see them, my previous comment was for everyone else asking why I don't actually have a solution. :)


erik, is it that you have to have an infinite baffle built into your home?

Everything in my home is infinite, especially the baffles and beer.

I’m curious to hear the actual solution that was the initial intent of this discussion.


Honestly thought we could all infer that the solution would be to have your speakers made out of real musicians. 🤣

Guys, the part that should have been a clue I was making a parody of the cult- leader mindset was a variation on the cult-leader’s "only I can fix it..." theme at the end.

Anytime you hear "we alone" or worse, "I alone can solve your issues" hold on to your wallet and your children cause they want to take them all away from you.

Kind of a waste of time to read any of this other than it seems like a parody of an actual relevant audio discussion.


@wolf_garcia - I’m deeply offended, what actually relevant discussion do you think I parodied?? 😆

The funniest thing on earth right now is how Kenjit confused this thread with his own.  🤣