Thanks to Paul McGowan

About a year ago I bought a PS Audio BHK pre-amp  & was very pleased with the improvement in sound quality over the Rotel I had been using. I put in a pair of 60s era Telefunken tubes & thought it sounded great so I went shopping. Recently  I found a pair of PS Audio M1200 mono blocks & thought what the heck. I got them home & installed NOS 1958 Telefunken.tubes.
I should mention the amp I had in the system was a highly modified Carver TFM 45 I bought in the 80s.
What a difference! Have you ever had that OMG moment when you get to hear your music for the first time. I should have ditched the Carver yrs ago.
My hat's off to Paul McGowan!


@optimize Paul may not be a brilliant electronics engineer, but he has been able to attract strong talent and build a successful high-end audio company with some longevity. There are very few independent US hifi companies that have been as successful. 

I've only owned a couple PS Audio products (Powerplant 3 and now Powerplant 12), but I have a lot of respect for the company and I think Paul and his son have managed their business very well. 



580 posts


My wife often gives me dirty looks, although I’m often clueless, I doubt it’s racist :)

@fertguy congratulations on your new component 
