Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





Who ever thought it was music? Millions and millions of people all over the world who can appreciate it even if you don't. 

ray oughta know. i trust his judgment more than many others on these matters, more even than quincy jones who happens to love rap. 

Just because millions and millions of people all over the world appreciate it doesn't doesn't necessarily mean it is music.

@pedroeb “Who ever thought (rap) was music?”

Oy vey.

I’m all ears for your definition of “music.”  
If it ain’t music, what the hell is it?  

@tomcy6 Nah. I prefer to keep listening and appreciating lots of different types of music, including rap and Ray Charles (on occasion).

@pedroeb Okay, desperately-trying-to-stay-relevant cultural gatekeeper.

@emrofsemanon No, Quincy doesn’t hafta know. He’s one artist who never even dabbled in the art form he criticized, unlike Quincy Jones.

Finally, @jond Good call. Rap seems to be this group’s favorite genre to trash, though doing so usually reveals a level of being out-of-touch with a zeitgeist that's passed many by