Does a after market power cable make a difference on a streamer like lumin U2 mini or U1 mini


The linear power supply on my Node 2i reduced the noise floor and it sounds better. Like going from LCD to OLED TV. Things "pop" more.

Honestly I didn’t hear any difference between $850 Cardas power cable and $350 Cardas power cable on my Lumin D2, but I was using those cables with Sbooster power supply. Probably, using them with onboard PS will make some audible difference. 

I put a $300 Audience pc on my Node N-130 and it made a difference. I added a Teddy Pardo LPS and it got even better and when I put the Audience pc on my the TP power supply it was better still.

Placed an all copper cord and plugs on my lumin U2 mini, and I think the sound is better. Better more definitive bass. But not a ridiculous amount. My aftermarket power cord was $300.