Focal Sopra 2’s vs. Legacy Focus SE’s

I recently decided to upgrade my speakers. I don’t want to go into the usual “front end bragging” about my other equipment lol. It’s good and could be better …. Leave it at that.

I recently listened to Legacy Signature SE and Focus SE. Thw Focus blew me away. The signatures didn’t cut it bottom end and all around. 
I have never heard the Focus Sopra 2.  It’s a tough companion because the Focus have (2) 12’s that are incredible at both low and high volume levels. Has anyone heard both of these??



I have heard both and previously owned the Legacy Focus SE speakers. The two are very different sonically. Legacy is a more musical speaker with an overall lower tonal balance, but it is just a little harder (not impossible) to get endgame separation and imaging from them. Focal are more “hifi” sounding and need very good electronics for them to sound their best. Their tweeter can be very resolving and fatiguing without quality electronics, and it is easy for Focal to sound “tipped up” if they are not paired with proper electronics or set up properly.

I’m surprised about your comments on the Legacy Signature SE. How big is your room, and what amp do you plan to pair your speakers with?

Thank you for the input. Well stated ..

My room is 15x15.  I have  Parrasound A51 Amp and JC2 preamp.  I use a Gustard 26pro DAC fed from. Bluesound Node streamer   

I compared the Legacy Focus and Signature with an Apertura Edena, and there was no contest. The Apertura were much better. And not nearly so heavy.