Getting back in the game

So I’ve been out of the hobby for about ten years……kids divorce business……you get it. However, my new wife and I just bought a house and I got a room all to myself. Was going to turn it into a theater room. Got a laser tv bought a brand new denon receiver plugged in my old B&W 804’s that I hadn’t heard in forever and hell I’m hooked again now

my question is this. I am currently using the denon and streaming over my tv using tidal. Lol I know this is not anywhere close to what I can get from these speakers so I would love a couple suggestions 

im gonna need either a great integrated and a streamer or maybe separates?  I will probably also get a TT as I love vinyl. 

i love vocals and rock but if you pushed me.. I tend want a really emotional connection to the music rather than be mistified by the incredibly etched out accurate sound….. does that make sense?  

room is 13 by 15 by 9. Getting room tx as we speak. All suggestions are appreciated on how make this room sing. Can spend around 8k


thank you


OK, I have a question. Does your budget include the TT or are you only considering the streamer  and amplification with that budget? Either way you well need amplification and this relates to allocation of budget towards digital vs. vinyl.

I would start a thread asking for other thoughts on the power requirement of your speakers. In the post provide info on room size, room treatment, and  loudness levels desired. That info may help to narrow down the power needs of your amplifier.  With amplifiers lower powered ones offer greater sound quality/dollar.

Either way with your budget I would not be too quick to look away from an integrated amplifier. 

Another question, do you currently have a record collection? I am one who was not  quick to leave vinyl however found that I could not maximize my system trying to accommodate both a vinyl and a digital front end with my budget. I have kept my turntable however it is not in use at this time. I use a transport and a TV into a DAC. I am currently streaming via computer as a way to find music to purchase as CDs. I am somewhat 'old school'.

Take your time with this. It will come together. I am sure many will get back to you following the answers to my aforementioned questions.

Regards, Mike



I think I'll take you advice and just start another thread because I need to be more direct in my questioning.  I should have just said 8k for amplification and streaming into a pair of b&w 804 (pre diamond) with room specs.  I'll do that as I would like to concentrate on that, then add TT, then surround for movies.

thanks, and sorry to waste other peoples time by not being more concise.


Okay started another conversation!  sorry for being all over the place in this one

First welcome to the game. It will never stop, so be careful what you wish for:)

@ghdprentice gave you good advice.


This is a good time to take this real slow. Give a lot of thought to how to do this.

It is very difficult to get high end audio sound from an AVR / home theater. By combining functions both can be severely compromised. The best is to have them completely separated. 

I started almost exactly where you did (minus the divorce) but with a Yamaha RXA3080 which was at the time their top of the line AVR. I thought it was pretty good. (I have owned several Denon's prior)

I wanted more so I bought a $3K Line Magnetic Tube amp and was completely blown away (so was my wife). I've moved on since then (new everything on the 2 channel side), but I still use the Yamaha for 5.1. The front speakers are shared - 2 sets of speaker cables. I prefer this inconvenience to having the Yamaha anywhere in the 2 channel chain. 

As for subs, for sure get 2. I have 2 RELs that are seamlessly shared between the Raven and the Yamaha. 


If you have the long term desire to have a great system. Then audition these integrated amps… and maybe a couple more. Save a few more dollars. The “under $10K) for an integrated is a key price point (I think a lot of Boomers are downsizing and want really high performance) in a smaller footprint. I think this is the sweet spot for “affordable” high end.

Then wait whatever time you need to buy an appropriately matched streamer and DAC. You could take the intermediate step in getting a Schiit Yggdrasil ~$2.5K (often considered to compete with DACs at twice the cost) to hold you over. Then the next step would be a streamer (Aurender N200)… then later upgrade the DAC.


This way each step gives you significant sound quality improvement and at the end you have a synergistic system with all components at roughly the same quality level.