Xangsane SP-9001AG silver interconnect

So, encouraged by friends I've bought some bulk Xangsane SP-9001AG silver cable.

The cables has two squarish/flat solid core silver conductors (purity supposed to be 4N), one silver plated copper drain wire, teflon, cotton, copper foil, and finally silver plated copper mesh.

Jacket says OCC.

Well, it's been playing in my system since a couple of days, burn-in is far from being over, but I can already tell this is a very very good cable, with great tonality, fantastic transparency, dynamics, taut and strong bass... this is the best cable I've heardin my system (by hundreds of miles), and according to some friends you need to go very, very high in price to find a better silver cable.


You know what, on this cable and 9003, it is in some of my most important interconnects, but a few days ago I built my main DAC>Pre XLR interconnect using 18awg Mundorf SilverGold solid core with AliExpress 18awg occ as drain wire - twisted, soldered with mundorf solder on Neutrik - it smokes Xangsane - while not by a night and day, it would run only a bit more than the pre-made Xang and is a way better interconnect, it’s the best wire I know.

Mundorf SGW110YE

Used this for ground wire: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004011494030.html



Just said you’re welcome @roxy54 that is all.

Just going to ignore you when you are being a ...., and that is more often than not. "Duh"

I find this an interesting thread to follow. Over the past several months I've put together a full loom of the Lavricable Grand 5N silver interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords. I'm wondering how the interconnects that you are talking about would compare.