Roon….can anyone point me to “human” tech support

Looking to get some “human” support for my Roon Nucleus+.  Been down almost 2 weeks and the support from Roon is painfully slow.  Have worked through many many support related troubleshooting tips to no avail.  If anyone knows a great company that offers support I’m willing to pay to get it back up and running again.

Appreciate any assistance!!

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Have you tried your local dealer?

Another thought is a Roon Facebook group. There is one for Innuos, and they helped me before Innuos tech support responded.

For the money they charge their support is abysmal. What issues are you having? Maybe some here could help? Audiogon should start a "support" forum and offer sales credits for answers that are deemed helpful.

My issue is that after I select my Roon Core the next page becomes a spooling logo until it ultimately times out hours later.  

  • I have performed all the obvious rebooting of everything including going into the exact IP address and reloading as well as restarting.
  • I have worked with my router company -- luxul and made sure all my settings were correct as well as my 26 port luxul switch.  I have gone through my Ruckus Zone Director and made sure my WAP's were working properly.
  • My Roon is hard wired and I have switched ethernet ports and even plugged it into the back of my router.
  • I have tried it on another network going straight into the Comcast modem out of the wall.
  • I have Roon set up on my Mac Book Pro after Main Roon went down and it works flawlessly through my Mac Book set up plugged into my switchbox.  It sounds lousy and is a headache to operate.

I just can't get past the screen where it would normally boot up Roon and show me my tracks, albums, etc.

I'm STUCK so any guidance is appreciated.  I very much love ROON and have a lifetime membership; however, when they only provide one troubleshooting tip per day if you are lucky the process is woefully slow.

Isn't that species extinct? " Please press 1, please press 2 Please press 3 AAAAARGGGGGHHHHHH!