Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


Whether one can hear a difference in the sound quality on a YouTube is irrelevant. 

Without any idea of the actual quality of the sound itself, what does it matter.

What if what the video reveals is the difference between mediocre sound and less mediocre sound?


Hi, I am a YouTuber. I recently posted a video comparing two loudspeakers. The difference is very clearly audible. If you can’t hear the difference on that video, its not because of YouTube.
So yes, you can hear differences on YouTube.
HOWEVER…of course I agree that you should never make buying decisions based on YouTube sound samples. Even my best recordings do not demonstrate what the actual sound in my room is. Not even close.

When a YouTube developer used this tactic to demonstrate a piece of equipment, all faith in his ability to review Hifi gear goes out the window and he is unsubscribed.