Amp for Vandersteen 2ci

Hi all, I am planning on upgrading my amp for my Vandersteen 2ci. I am looking for an amp with a little more power and with a budget at 2k. I currently have the B&K ST2140 amp with a Rotel RC-970BX preamp which I went to RC-995 preamp with balanced output. Their are a few amp I was thinking in no particular order:

Classe CA-200

Threshold Audio S-300

Parasound Halo A21

Krell KAV 250a

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

@highend64 i have had all sorts of amp on a 2C.

  • PSE (SS)
  • VTL compact 100 (EL34)
  • NAD 3040 (SS)
  • PrimaLuna (EL 34)
  • AIYAMA Class-D)

They all sounded pretty good… even the $70 AIYAMA was good enough.

The PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP was $2k used, and the main thing I don’t like is that the Mrs has to turn it on with a tie poke of the switch… and a trigger, and balanced XLR.

But I have been considering Class-D (Like the Atmasphere amp which is beyond the $2k budget) or a Purifi derivative.


Your speaker is easy to drive… any in your list will likely sing fine.

Looking at your RC-995 preamp, the balanced output is in name only BTW because it’s clearly not a fully-balanced preamp so paying up for an amp with balanced inputs really doesn’t get you anything (except higher cost).  Frankly, I don’t think the RC-995 is doing you any favors sonically so I’d seriously consider selling it and buying a good integrated.  Here are a couple good examples FWIW…

Just another potential avenue to ponder, and best of luck in your search. 

@soix Maybe true that the balanced output my not be fully balanced. In fact, looking at the service manual, the output is pretty much an  bi FET op amp. Maybe the intention was for the purpose of of noise rejection on long runs than provide a sonic difference. On the contrary, the RC-995 using the RCA preouts did made a huge sonic difference which the Vandersteen reviled the difference between the two preamps.  

Does the Parasound 21+ an improvement from the 21? I am trying to get as much info before I decide.