Vintage worth the time to explore?

I’m relatively new to this world (very fast learner) and would love to know your thoughts:

I have a pair of Elac Debut 6.2 and Klipsch KG3s….I drive them both with a Marantz PM6005 and have been relatively happy but sound really loses its warmth and color unless played LOUD. With 3 kids under 5 I’m looking for an amp to help provide warm, full sound at lower dBs.

I’ve been super curious about exploring other amp options and wanted to explore the vintage route (Marantz 2230, Sansui AU 717, Pioneer SA-8500)… but after seeing prices between 800-2k for 50 year old gear, I’m apprehensive.

Am I just lured by the idea of vintage?


Add a pair of subs. Makes all the difference in the world at all volume levels. 

If you get something from the 70's what might be helpful for you is most stuff had a "loudness" switch that will give you that warmth at low volumes. The marantz you mentioned probably has one.

Why not open back headphones like Grado's for when you want to play it loud? If you don't want to try that, And I also second:

1) Not buying anything older then 10 years. 

2) Looking for a system with a loudness button/control, or at the least tone controls.

the klipsch and elac speakers both sounded bright to my ears. mebbe if you got yourself an older yamaha amp with the variable loudness control? that would allow you to dial in a select amount of "warmth" without overdoing it. if you have money, to be on the safe side, you could get a pair of rega brio amps perhaps driven by a tube preamp, that would definitely warm up the sound. you don't want to even think about driving 2 pair with the brio. or you could try a brio or an old KLH receiver [warm sounding] with the elacs in front and a hafler circuit for the kg3 speakers on the rear [as they are mellower than the elacs, you don't want bright in the rears].