QSA Power Jitter Power Conditioner, anyone tried it?

I’ve got a Yellow one on order. Has anyone else tried it? I have the QSA stones in several places in my system. I tried the light blue fuses, and liked them, but ended up replacing them with the SR purples. This Power Jitter seems like a good way for someone who is is open to these kind of tweaks, but doesn’t want to mess around with fuses, to try QSA.



I recently added the QSA Red and definitely heard an improvement in the sound quality. I'm using it on the power cord for my Gigawatt Powerprime power conditioner. I noticed better separation between instruments, a bit more presence/oomph, and definitely an appreciable difference in bass -- tighter and punchier. In fact, the improvement in bass response is such that I have switched off my two REL subs and can still enjoy jazz, vocals, classical. I only turn on the sub when listening to rock, EDM, etc.

Having said that, I also have a QSA Red Receptacle so not sure how much of a role is it playing here. I don't have any experience with the Yellow or Violet.

Finally got my yellow Power Jitter in the mail today. Put it between my power conditioner and the wall outlet. First impression, I don’t see it coming out anytime soon😁 If it gets even better over the next few days, I will be one happy camper!

@tommylion   Any particular receptacle you have there where the Jitter is plugged? I have a QSA violet and was wondering if one of these Jitters would add anything. Happy listening!

Just looking at the site is embarrassing and makes me ashamed to be an audio enthusiast.

The guy who "engineered/designed" those fancy cheater plugs made in China is a genius.

OH I forgot-YMMV