QSA Power Jitter Power Conditioner, anyone tried it?

I’ve got a Yellow one on order. Has anyone else tried it? I have the QSA stones in several places in my system. I tried the light blue fuses, and liked them, but ended up replacing them with the SR purples. This Power Jitter seems like a good way for someone who is is open to these kind of tweaks, but doesn’t want to mess around with fuses, to try QSA.



Showing 4 responses by t_ramey

@tommylion   Any particular receptacle you have there where the Jitter is plugged? I have a QSA violet and was wondering if one of these Jitters would add anything. Happy listening!

I ordered the Red jitter for Christmas. 😄. I will see how it goes on the PSM156 at the wall receptacle which is a QSA violet. I also have an ADD POWR Wizard on the  circuit next to the violet receptacle so I’m curious how they will mate. Thanks to Iwin and others for their feedback!

I think QSA does do some type of treatment similar to SR’s to their products but I don’t know exactly what. I’m going by what these here have experimented with and it does appear the Red is a great start to play around with at the wall receptacle where the system is plugged in at. Mike at Tweek Geek told me that just having these plugged in to various receptacles in the room can have a positive impact, which sounds like what other companies have done like High Fidelity with the mc-0.5 and Nordost QRT.

I’m 24hrs in on having the Red jitter plug and I’m already really liking what I’m hearing. The first place I’ve plugged it in is at the receptacle next to my system that has the ADD POWR Wizard hooked up. Clean articulate bass is the first thing that jumped out at me. I have a track that starts with an upright bass and then has a trumpet that cones in off the left behind the left speaker. The articulation of the bass is outstanding and the trumpet, which is normally a few feet behind the speaker now appears to be several more feet further in the room. 

I’m not getting any glare that some have reported and nothing tilted up. It’s early so I’ll let it stay in this spot for a while before trying it on the QSA violet receptacle where my PSM156 is located. So far so good!