Rear speakers, generally of lesser quality?

Necessary for Rear speakers to be just as good as the main speakers?   I had some extra main speakers put them in the back of the room. I think they sound a lot better than smaller rear speakers i used in the past.  There is a lot of information coming out of the rear speakers via 5.1 set up. Why go cheap?


If you mount side and rear speakers on the ceiling, and but speakers that are fairly flat, it becomes a non-issue.

Take a look at something like the Vandersteen VSM-1, for instance.

If you are using the speakers surround sound it doesnt matter . The rears are  just for ambience.

When I bought my current house, there was a cheap home theater installed with in-wall speakers for five channels. I decided to take the in-wall speakers that were installed in the front and mount them in the ceiling slightly behind the seating positions. The rear in-walls were mounted on the back wall behind us.

Then I used my Revel F50/C50 speakers for the front L/R/C.  I am using a Marantz av8802 processor and Sunfire Theater Grand 7-channel amp to drive them. 

I've had much fancier surround speaker systems in previous home theaters, but this combination seems to work quite well - provide good ambiance and surround effects, while not taking any extra space in the modest size room.

The Revels work well in a theater environment. They have nice tonal quality and just enough detail to make dialog highly intelligible, but not so much as to make poor soundtrack recordings unlistenable. 

I use this system for tv and movies only. I am fortunate to have a separate 2-channel music listening room.