Hesitant to upgrade my phono cartridge

I’ve been running the SL for about four years now and really love it. I’m starting to experience some sibilance and my gut tells me it’s time for a new cartridge. I really want to go up to the ML but I’m a little hesitant because my speakers (B&W 805 d3’s) can lean a bit bright with some recordings. I’ve read that the ML is a tad brighter than the SL and I definitely don’t want to add any additional leanness to my system. I could stretch for the Umami Red but would prefer not to at this point in time. So do I just go with another SL or roll the dice with the ML? Does anyone have experience with going from the Hana SL to the ML with Bowers and Wilkins diamond tweeters? Or with a system that leans on the bright side? 


The rest of my system: 


Clearaudio Ovation w/ Magnify tonearm

Herron Audio VTPH-2A Phono Preamp

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated - tubes rolled from stock JJs to Gold Lion 12AX7 and 12AU7s with a Brimer 12AU7 in the center position. 

Speakers are B&W 805d3 stand mounts with a pair of REL S/510 subs.

Kimber Kable speaker, power cables and interconnects. 




@tooblue the cart has roughly 1500 hours maybe a touch more. I had the cart mounted by a local shop when I had the arm replaced due to ignorance on my part when I broke the azimuth adjustment tension wire. I have not adjusted anything since then. I’m not opposed to doing some adjustments myself but I’ll need to figure out how to adjust the two dials on the Magnify tonearm (if that’s even what I should do to troubleshoot) 

@paulgardner the 1st thing I'd check is the tracking force. Is it still correct? A good tracking force guage can be found on Amazon for around $35. The next is verifing VTA. Again the suspension can change over time and you might have to increase the arm, maybe not but again worth checking this out as well. Those 2 things should be fairly easy to do but remeber when you cahnge VTA you chnage VTF as well. Good luck

@paulgardner Your cart is signified by the SL and that seems to indicate Line Contact, if that be true you are at or nearing that carts usefulness, if it is an elliptical stylus it is way over it's intended use. WTS, if still useful I would take this as an opportunity to acquaint yourself with adjusting it out, and there are plenty here that will chime in on that who have the same cart and arm. as a quick check if you are comfortable raising the back of the arm in very small degrees to get the position of the styles/rake closer to spec to compensat for a relaxed suspension it might get you to a happy place for now.

@tooblue the SL stands for Shibata Low output. I have checked the tracking force. It’s at 2g, which it where the manufacture recommends. I can definitely raise the arm a tiny amount. I just might try that. Thanks.