Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


Type of speaker cable and models within a brand have sonic differences. And it really matters.  

Absolutely they can but only worth it perhaps once you get pretty much all the rest right first.

I thought this subject was a “dead horse “ too but, oh well.

My Acoustic Research AR 3a’s were in ‘74 ordered with AR speaker cables and they turned out to be lamp cord, 50’ each I recall.

Upgraded to KHorns in ‘81 and kept the cords, believing, like Paul Klipsch, that finely made, expensive speaker cables were bull****.

My brother gave me some unwanted, not-so-high-end Monster cables and I was quite honestly floored by how incredibly better the sound quality became…...placing me firmly in the believer camp.

For me speaker cables made a difference. And if you’re curious I encourage you to experiment. Then you can be the judge. 

Yes, in my case cables used anywhere in the system have an effect on sound. Including speaker wirings and even the electronic PCB cards tracks have an effect. I had an old tube preamplifier I disconnected all the PCB tracks and replaced them with point to point wirings. The sound improved a lot.

If you want to test try these tow cheap cables below recommended by Whathifi. Try them separately first and then both connected in parallel (Make sure the cables get enough burn in time first). The Clearwater is good with treble while the Rocket is good with bass. I use them connected in parallel.

Van den Hul The Clearwater and AudioQuest Rocket 11

Even the wires in the crossover coils have an effect. I replaced the LF filter coils with Jantzen Audio WaxCoil 12awg and the sound got better. I will replace the rest soon, I had already replaced the capacitors some time ago.