Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


Showing 6 responses by tjag

Yes, in my case cables used anywhere in the system have an effect on sound. Including speaker wirings and even the electronic PCB cards tracks have an effect. I had an old tube preamplifier I disconnected all the PCB tracks and replaced them with point to point wirings. The sound improved a lot.

If you want to test try these tow cheap cables below recommended by Whathifi. Try them separately first and then both connected in parallel (Make sure the cables get enough burn in time first). The Clearwater is good with treble while the Rocket is good with bass. I use them connected in parallel.

Van den Hul The Clearwater and AudioQuest Rocket 11

Even the wires in the crossover coils have an effect. I replaced the LF filter coils with Jantzen Audio WaxCoil 12awg and the sound got better. I will replace the rest soon, I had already replaced the capacitors some time ago.



Well said @rolox ​​​​​​

I don’t care if people think cables have no effect on sound in the same way I don’t care if some think the earth is flat. I find it amusing in a funny way, because in my system cables have a big effect on sound. 

But I wonder if those who claim that all cables sound the same have actually tried some good cables and then came to this conclusion.

It’s not about research data and papers. It’s about trying a different good cable and still getting the same sound. Now that would be interesting.




What a good cable means to me is that it is better than the one I had before while still being affordable as I bi-wire and need 4 meters in length per speaker. By the way I try to buy used to save costs.

As an example, I started with the Chord Clearway interconnects based on Whathifi recommendations, later I upgraded to the Chord Shawline first version. After that I purchased the Shawline next version and out of curiosity asked the seller what he replaced his Shawline with, he said the Audioquest Water and recommended me to get it. So I bought it after a while and it is amazing and better than all the rest.

I also used the Van den hul Clearwater speaker cables which were also recommended by Whathifi and liked how treble sounded especially with female voices, but it was soft on bass. The issue became very obvious after I replaced the speaker original internal wires and crossover connections with the Clearwater and had to reconnect the originals back in a hurry. I watched a YT video on cable comparisons and the Van den hul Inspiration came in third. It was affordable in the used market so I bought it.

Only to find out that the Inspiration was good on bass but weak on treble in my system :) so I shunted it with the Clearwater and now I have the best of the two cables.

I make power cables using speaker cables and they sound better than the specialized power cable I paid 200usd for on the used market.

Here is Paul CEO of PS audio admitting that Audioquest dragon power cable beats all his power cables.