Ethernet cables

I’m of the opinion given what I’ve read that Ethernet cables, along with everything else in the streaming chain, can make a significant difference in ultimate streaming performance (please those who think it’s just 1s and 0s please stay out of this).  Due to this I bought a Wireworld Starlight 8 Ethernet cable because it seems much better than generic cables but certainly far short of the higher $$$ Ethernet cables (the WW platinum would be an obvious case in point).  My question is, with the Starlight 8 how much good can I expect over lower-priced or generic Ethernet cables and how much more performance can I expect from stepping up to better Ethernet cables?  Please be specific if you’ve directly A/Bed the Starlight 8 versus better cables as that’d be very useful and helpful info.  Thanks!


I use Belden ethernet cable cleaned up via an optical system. I can't imagine a more expensive ethernet cable being better since it comes out cleaned after the optical wash.

All ethernet cables, as long as they are within the correct specs will work with no difference.

Even with lots of noise present, error correction protocols will take care of the situation (read  convolutional codes, Viterbi decoding).

As for jitter etc, those do not matter since Ethernet is an ASYNCHRONOUS bit stream.  The router/bridge assembles the packets properly before forwarding it.

Remember this stuff works at up 10s of gigabits correctly.  At audio frequencies, the medium utilization will be no more than 3-5%.


I also use Amazon CAT 8 in front of and after my optical set up.  The optical made a significant improvement.  I have tried a couple AQ cables (with the optical) and they made no improvement so they were returned and I use the amazon cables. Money spent on an AQ USB cable instead.  Might be different if I didn’t have optical?

(please those who think it’s just 1s and 0s please stay out of this)

Heaven forbid anyone try to interject some science into a thread.