From an MHDT to an Audio Mirror, quick impressions

A Tubadour IV SE I ordered on 10/12 appeared today.  It replaces a stock Orchid fed by an n130 Node with PD Creative power board and Sbooster LPS.  I’ve just finished a half hour session, including 15 min of warm up.  Right out of the box it’s showing off.  Smooth, articulate and quick with much tighter bass.  It keeps the musicality of the Orchid and improves on the pace.
The soundstage is deeper with a more “You are there” feel than the up front “They are here” feel of the Orchid.  That’s all for now.   For three times the cost I hoped for a noticeably better DAC.  What I got was a major surprise and a huge upgrade.  Really anxious to put some hours on it.


My further impressions another 4 hours in:

Delicate signals have location, articulation and body.  I can easily follow backstage instruments and vocals to the micro level. Nothing etched or exaggerated.  Natural.

Treble is sweet.  Not rolled off or syrupy sweet.  Sweet as in "I love percussion, give more".  

Very dimensional.  It's as if the recording space is being recreated as well.

Very analog.  


About 25 hours now and it's a keeper.  The only downer is the stock knobs are frumpy.  I added guitar amp knobs.  They're beautiful.  View my virtual system for a peek.  


New knobs!

old knobs


Larger images are in the virtual system view.

True color is satin aluminum, inbetween my flash blue and the stock photo sepia.

@wlutke - would you mind posting an update on the AM?  Possibly looking into buying. Thanks. 

@wlutke not to digress too much but curious to know if your prior Orchid dac had the stock coupling caps in it from MHDT, or if they were upgraded?  Reason for the question is the stock caps are fairly smoothed over. Nice, yet can be optimized notably.  Several colleagues and I upgraded Orchid dacs with really nice caps and other tube options. Achieved an increase in sound stage size, width and depth, nice tone, texture, and retaining gentle detail. If you still have your Orchid it can be a keeper too fwiw. Enjoy the new dac!