Boutique caps in oil... reliable?

Hi Everyone,

Just kind of openly curious.  On occasion I will read a post here or there that a boutique film cap which uses oil as a dielectric has leaked (i.e. failed). 

Just wondering when it comes to these high end oil impregnated (or maybe even wax!) caps what your experience has been with long term reliability.






Thanks for the recommendations. The complexity for me is not the high pass filter. It’s a circuit that works on the AVR’s 12V trigger and lets me integrate the sub into both the Anthem AVR and Luxman Integrated.  I think I pretty much have it figured out, but need to shop for nice sounding caps to use.

@charles1dad Thanks I had no idea you were considering AN when you bought your Yamamoto. And did a bit of reading on the Abbas site he credits Andy Grove from AN UK for a lot of his background knowledge and the George Slawa of Sw1x is his protege. A small incestuous design world I have to say I love manufacturers sharing ideas like that. Apologies to @erik_squires for the thread hijack and please create a thread for your Abbas Dac impressions Charles.

The only oil caps that I’ve seen leak (I’m sure there are others) was Jensen oil caps. The Jensen copper foil paper and oil were notorious for leaking within 5-10 years. I never really cared for their sound anyway but after replacing one after another for people I definitely wouldn’t recommend them. Some leaked within 2 years.
V-Caps are amazing and never seen a problem with them. I’ve also seen most Vitamin Q caps still working even at 15-20 years. Not that they sound great but they are good cheap oil caps.
Of course it’s all about the cost you want to put into equipment and sound taste.

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We've sampled a number of oil filled caps over the years. I've not seen a type that didn't develop electrical leakage, although I'm sure they exist.

Electrical leakage is where the cap takes on some of the properties of a resistor- a voltage can be dropped across it. If a cap with this problem is placed in a circuit driving a tube or transistor, the voltage that will show up at its output will affect the operating point of the active device.

If that active device happens to be a power tube it could overheat and be damaged. It'd be a real shame if that was a $1200 211 or some such! In a loudspeaker this is likely of no consequence.

Being an OTL manufacturer we had to demonstrate that our amps were really reliable, since the Futterman and other amps prior to our showing up hadn't been so good in this department. So we had the nearly Sisyphean task of convincing the market that OTLs could be as reliable as any other amp. For that reason we simple didn't and don't use oil filled caps.