5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



@dpop it seems as the only closed-minded people are the ones who make a judgement before listening or by the way he looks or talks or maybe even discount because of perceived political affiliations. I found everything he said to be true on the whole.

And some people say Comedy is dead! He talks a good talk but most of this is just that Talk without ANY data to back up what he is saying. Now I do agree with some of it, but like Point #5 it is all blathering after a certain point. Any time you can improve some aspect of your system it is the right time. Not that any one item or component makes that much difference, beyond a certain point, but that it is all additive. That is, you may not notice a certain interconnect right away but when it is connected to some other component that you previously didn't have all of a sudden it becomes an integral player and is noticed. Like, say that same interconnect with a new DAC. Now independently they may not be that much but when combined they complement each other. You may not be able to pinpoint where some of your sound mods made a certain change, but you know that it has changed. Myself, I have the equipment to measure and graphically display what I have so I can recognize most of it. Not all people are fortunate enough to have these items.

No different than any shock jock in media. Take a hardline position on a subject that is very opinionated all in search of clicks not facts!

I found the guy to be genuiely entertaining. Thought the country song was pretty durned funny.

That being said, here’a a couple of comments:

To his point #1: I find it interesting that a Master Sommelier can take a sip of wine, swish it around a bit and tell you that the grapes were grown in a mountainous region of Argentina. BUT, a guy who has spent 40+ years intensely listening to high performance audio is NOT allowed to have a qualified opinion about what he hears. Biologolically, we don’t hear any differently than others. We are just trained on what to listen FOR, and have an expansive voculabulary on hand to help communicate those findings to others.

My overall impression is that he receives a lot of questions from "audio enthusiasts", not true audiophiles. The real audiophiles I come in contact with don’t possess any of the characteristics described by the host. They have moved past "Audio 101" and working on their "advamced degrees." In particular, I’ll reference point #5 with this. A race car designer, once said: "If you want to shave 100 pounds off a race car, you have to find 1,600 ways to save an ounce." True "audiophiles" know there’s not a single master key that unlocks sublime sound quality. It takes an entire system. And, yes, the "little stuff" does matter. An ounce at a time.

It was fun watching the video. Thanks for sharing.