5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



Showing 2 responses by dadork

@dpop it seems as the only closed-minded people are the ones who make a judgement before listening or by the way he looks or talks or maybe even discount because of perceived political affiliations. I found everything he said to be true on the whole.

What I got out of it was it's more important to get the basics right. If you aren't realizing the best out of your speakers because placement is off, or you haven't done any treatment then you will seek a cure through equipment, speaker or cable change, tweaks and EQ.  I know a lot of readers are past this point and that's great, but does he deserve to be slammed for stating what to you is obvious? Reading college level books doesn't make Dick and Jane less valid and more than likely Dick and Jane helped you along the way