Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?



I have owned Klipsch Heresy and Forte's, Buchardt's, Focal, two Zu's and the NSMT 100's are end game no upgrade needed and justified unless you spend $20K and up to get better sound. I love playing with this stuff just saying my speaker search is over and holy toledo are they fracking amazing!  Now I just play with electronics.  

Best JH

I've watched him near the beginning of his channel's launch. He does a good job just evaluating gear based on what he hears. Most of it sub-$1000 stuff, but he occasionally does "better" items like the Wharfedale Linton, ELAC Uni-Fi, KLH Model 5, Klipsch Heresy, Denafrips Ares 2, Tekton Lore, source gear like iFi Zen stuff, Fluance turntables, cartridges in the $200 to $300 range, etc. 

He does cater to people starting out on this journey and that can be a good thing. Everyone has to start somewhere and many won't spend $5000 or more on a system for their first rodeo. 

My only complaint is that for a while he was hung up on cheap Chinese Class D amps suitable mainly for use on a desktop (if at all).

Do note that his own "real" system consists of vintage McIntosh, so there is that. 



I don't know how to PM you but offering invite to you and anyone who can make it to Indianapolis area come hear my NSMT's.  I have no affiliation just spreading the word


I am ok with him and appreciate his work.  Like any reviewer, one should take whatever he says with a grain of salt.  Much of what he does is for entertainment!  Although I have several components outside his normal price range (McIntosh, Focal, Klipsch La Scalas, etc.) from time to time I am looking for something special.  For example, I wanted an inexpensive open-back headphone to use for online music lessons.  (I already have some expensive headphones for music listening.). An internet search led me to his recommendation of Emotiva.  I then conducted independent research, which supported his recommendation.  I purchased the headphones and they have delivered exactly what I wanted.  His review is what led me to them.  So, thanks to him!


Man…I wish I could come by and hear those! All the way down in Jax Fl, unfortunately. I remember checking those out via their affiliate company website - Role Audio - when ordering some plinths for some totem arrows I had a while back. 

Those model 100’s look amazing with some very high praise. Even at that low 5 digit price point, seem worth every penny. 

All the NSMT speaker offerings seem exceptional for the $.