Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


Showing 2 responses by riccitone

+1 @curtdr 

I too look for that certain value proposition in equipment that stretches far past the price point, and Randy has brought some very well designed components and speakers into mind’s eye. He also encourages the diy journey as a means to kits that challenge many makes that are double/triple the price. 

Personally, I’ve heard very expensive setups, in thoughtfully treated rooms that sound amazing. But then have taken the time to put together a comparatively modest system in a small room - with careful attention to positioning and treatment-that sounds so good to me, I could easily enjoy what I’ve got over those other systems. There are so many factors to a good system when considering synergy, voicing, music you prefer…it can be dizzying. But Randy is among those that takes many of those concerns into account to bring a great experience to anybody. 

All that said, my upgrade bug does still bite me, and my current setup goes above price from a lot of what her reviews! However, I’m still considering speaker kits thanks to his taking the time to demonstrate his experience with them 🙏🏼




Man…I wish I could come by and hear those! All the way down in Jax Fl, unfortunately. I remember checking those out via their affiliate company website - Role Audio - when ordering some plinths for some totem arrows I had a while back. 

Those model 100’s look amazing with some very high praise. Even at that low 5 digit price point, seem worth every penny. 

All the NSMT speaker offerings seem exceptional for the $.