What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding?

What’s Voodoo’s signature sounding in your 1 or 2 words?

Which cable company that has such similar house sound to Voodoo or vice versa.

lastly, which power cord(s) model did you own?



I have actually owned several Voodoo cables. They seem well made and I think their Black Magic power cord is an absolute steal at its’ price point. I found them to have more of an almost darker sound in my system. I was using their Essence XLR IC’s connecting my DAC to my preamp. I ended up selling them and replaced them with Transparent and once I did that everything seemed to come alive and just had more snap. I should say mention that the Transparent XLR’s were their Super line so not at all a fair comparison. I’m a fan of Transparent and Shunyata but I wanted to try Voodoo…Hope this helps…