
I’ve finally achieved parity between my digital and analog sides.
With the acquisition of a new turntable ((Feickert Volare,) I’m at last enjoying both formats equally.

An observation between the two: They are definitely different in character and each has its own sonic signature. Analog is more spacious and for lack of a better word, mellow. Digital is more finely etched. Each has a very well defined sound stage.
Both are a pleasure to listen to now.


Dang @rvpiano, 4000 CDs! I know how much wall space that eats up---I have somewhere between 3500 and 3600. My six CD racks (three wide, two high) take up almost an entire wall, floor-to-ceiling. On the opposite wall are the LP's (of which I have never counted), the racks for which leave only enough room for one set of stacked Tube Traps.


After a fire I had my music room rebuilt with about twenty feet of CD shelving floor to ceiling, plus record browsers and shelves.
Now, with streaming, it’s effectively obsolete.

I think this parity - if the equipment is on the same level - also depends on the source, some LP's sound better than their digital versions, whereas the other releases do sound better in digital formats. Generally for me, if the source is good, analog does always sounds better (Miles Davis, Melody Gardot could not be better examples); less thin, fuller and with more engaging sound. Digital, on the other hand is the most accurate, and of course, conviniet.

OP, nothing really goes becomes 'vintage', or at least can be claimed to be such.

"We're just very selective pack-rats...." *L*

@rvpiano  Congratulations on your rig. I love my Feickert Volare as well. Enjoy the music. 

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