Integrated amp for Sonus Faber olympica nova 1

Just got a pair of Sonus Faber olympica nova 1, I have a pass labs int60 amp but WAF is very low. I am looking for an integrated amp with similar sound as the pass but with high WAF.


Any suggestions.


Check out Simaudio 600 i V2. I have 340 I paired with Sonus Faber and it’s a great combination 

@stereo5 that was sarcasm. My wife stays out of the audio-den. She is afraid of that room. LOL.

@twoleftears That’s clearly a female amp. If it was a male amp it’d have a volume control, source selector, and maybe a balance control. That the OP’s wife would hate that amp explains why women can’t live together — too much overly-complicated, irrational sh*t in common and always pushing each other’s crazy-ass buttons.