Great classical pianists

Alexandra Dovgan is the pianist of her generation.


In the last century there was Richter. Today Trifonov. Now a new phenom. What is it in the Russian water that produces such giants of the keyboard?

We enjoy all great pianists. Rubinstein, Pollini, Argerich, Backhaus, Kempf, Michelangeli, Schnabel, Pogorelic, Gilels. Please add your favorite to this embarrassment of pianistic riches. But there is primus inter pares. 


Lots of great classical pianists, of course.  But I find it extremely curious that no one (unless I missed it) has mentioned Yuja Wang, who is very easily as splendid or more so than any number of the folks listed even multiple times above.  Is it because she is also fun and a bit provocatively sexy, which is not to be approved?


Oh, and it's Jeremy Denk, not "Denker".

For the Beethoven sonatas -- the New Testament of solo piano -- I prefer Annie Fisher.  Her playing is full-blooded, passionate, engaged.  

Among current pianists, I find Vikingur Olaffson compelling, especially in Philip Glass.  His technique is staggering.

Another contemporary player with impressive command of the instrument is Marc-Andre Hamelin.  His recording of Frederic Rzewski's "The People United" is a blast.


As he is affectionately known in Russia, Vanya-Van Cliburn.

Certainly, there are many masters of the keyboard. But Vanya’s deeply emotional interpretations stand out as one-of-a-kind. He was in a category all by himself.