What Is Most Important?

What do you consider to be the most important element in your ultimate enjoyment of hifi reproduced music?


Having my system dialed in properly, and not giving up on trying something new, as there's always room for improvement. The trick is to not be in such a rush.

All the best,

I push a button and music plays. 

Everything beyond that (staging, bandwidth, high resolution, etc.) is a plus.  And very much appreciated.

For myself, it is the artistry of music creation. Most of the time I could care less how my system reproduces the sound or the quality of the recording. It all has to do with the artist. I truly admire the 0.0001% who are able create what we call music. It is something that I was never able to do.  For instance, I enjoy listening to Yoko Ono. She is far from an outstanding mainstream artist. Her music can be screeching to the ears. Yet, the effort and passion is exemplary and I enjoy her music because of that. 

@bobpyle , You're welcome...and speaking for the crowd sourced here, we're always more than happy to opine on everything conceivable audio and then some... ;)

@boxcarman, here in NC it's what's available at the going rate here in NC and subject to whom you're conspiring with....somethings never seem to change... 🤷‍♂️