Class D amplifier with TPA 3250 board


I'm new to this forum. I recently purchased my endgame setup comprised of Closer Acoustics Ogy speakers (91 SPL), REL T5X subwoofer and a custom hand built tube amplifier with EL34 tubes. The tube amplifier is giving me trouble with hissing noises, so it's constantly at the artisan's workshop. Since my speakers are extremely efficient, I was wondering about smaller amplifiers as an escape route (if the artisan can't fix the amp, he surely can). The Octavio Amp looks nice on paper. So does the Atoll IN80. Is one obviously better than the other for my revealing speakers?

Folks on another forum I shall not name seem to heavily imply that all amplifiers should sound the same (or very similar). They rave about these cheap tiny Topping/Aiyima amplifiers with class D TPA 3250 amplifier boards. These same boards are used in Genelec active monitors, so they must be good? I'm flustered because there no direct comparisons between these TPA 32xx amplifiers and more conventional/expensive branded amplifiers. The same folks on the forum I shall not name imply that I'm a dunce for spending so much money on a tube amplifier (quote: it's a distortion factory and it can't play grindcore metal music so it sucks). If it weren't for the hiss I wouldn't post here. 

Can I cheap class D amp replace a custom hand-wired EL34 tube amplifier for extremely revealing Closer Acoustics Ogy speakers?


News update: I brought the amplifier back to the artisan.I told him about the annoying hum.

He told me that he thought I would never notice. He told me that the issue is due to the AC current feeding the circuit. He said that he could make the amp quiet by using diodes to turn the AC current into DC. That should eliminate the 100 Hz hum.

I’m like whatever dude! I also said that I’m not driving back to his house (60km south of Paris) again. It’s so far away and the traffic jams are killing me. He said that he will show up to my house next Sunday.

And I’m like "k fine".

Confusing thread -- first hiss, now hum! Two distinctly different problems!

Appearance, evidence, and reports suggest this "artisan" is not an engineer, technician, or competent designer and probably lacks the proper tools to measure and evaluate the device to isolate, determine, and identify its inherent defects you should seek an immediate, full, and complete refund.

In summary, yeah. I would gladly spend 500€ or 1000€ on a good class A/B amplifier afterwards. Something without surprises. But the situation is hairy. This guy doesn't want to back down. He's insistent on his abilities which I don't care for anymore. Looking closely at the innards of the amplifier, his soldering is sloppy. Some tin was floating around in the casing. And I was driving as gently as possible with the anxiety that vibrations and bumps would desoldure components.

The artisan has a well equipped workshop and a great listening room. He has everything to succeed. That's why I stuck around for so long. I doubt that I'll ever get my money back. I don't want to deal with him anymore. The anxiety and amount of hours spent on driving is a burden on my life. But he'll be back next Sunday. 

Presently, the amplifier displays an audible "100 Hz hum". There was hiss prior to that, it is now resolved. 

Yeah the situation sucks but I'm in good health and my financials have never been better. I can afford to lose some cash (just not every month during the year like that). Heck! If only we lived in a world where we could mass produce good amplifiers for a few hundred bucks LOL 

I don’t often make a big mistakes, but when I do… I do what you are doing. Do the best to mitigate the problem… then sell it. Get what you can. Or throw it in the trash and caulk it up to experience. It was great of you to support a local artisan. Live and learn.

Unfortunately, if you do detailed research you get what you pay for. My amp cost $22K… and well worth it. Incredible performance, from a reputable company that has been around for 50 years. If I had a problem my dealer would come over, give me an interim replacement until he could deliver a fully functional replacement… but then, I am paying for that.